Welder Testing
Qualitest Canada’s welding training and testing facility is located in Nisku Alberta which is 15min from Edmonton and 7min from Edmonton International Airport.
Qualitest Canada is one of the largest welders training and testing facility in Alberta. We do offer the welder training and testing services to various field locations upon request from a group of 3 or more individuals. Quality and Safety at Qualitest Canada is a very important factor and can be seen in everything we do. We believe a safe work place provides both a more productive and conducive learning environment for trainees.
Qualitest Canada provides its trainees with the latest safety and welding equipment. Each welding booth is fully equipped with individual Fume Extraction System. This allows for a fume free environment for trainees. Welding areas are also equipped with safety glasses, welding jackets, welding helmets, and tools related to the training.
Qualitest Canada provides the latest welding machines insuring trainees are able to learn on new technology power sources. Basic machine trouble shooting is also taught in all related training. This helps trainees prepare for future job requirement.
Qualitest Canada’s welding Engineer and Examiners will be more helpful for answering any questions from the trainees. As we are certified with ABSA and CWB, we can work together with the clients and ensure that they have the qualified welders for their projects.
Welders and Welding Operators Testing – ABSA / Technical Safety BC
Qualitest is one of the certified welder testing organization which can test Pressure welders, Pressure tack welders, and Pressure welding operators as per our AOQP. We can test the welders and welding operators according to your project requirements. Based on your request, Qualitest will arrange the welder qualification tests at either our location or yours. We will provide all the required test materials and equipment when required. Qualitest will issue the test results on the same day of exam using advanced laboratory equipment. Our fully equipped testing facility is located in Nisku which is 10min from Edmonton International Airport. Give us a call to book instantly a test date for you.
At present we provide Welder Qualification and Weld Procedure Testing Services in Alberta, but we can also provide our services to other provinces upon requests from clients.
Welder Testing Centre – CWB
Qualitest is certified to carry out welder testing as per the CWB requirements. As we have in-house bend tester and other testing equipment we can do the mechanical tests immediately and get qualified the welders sooner. Please contact us for more details.
Contact us admin@qualitests.com today to get a quote.
Alberta: 702 – 23rd Ave Nisku, AB, T9E 7Y6, Canada, (780) 851-2020
BC: 112, 13085 115Ave, Surrey, BC V3R 0C3, Canada, (778) 381-7376